(1) new Cordova folder, new cordova.js in /www/
(2) remove old google_A files(references) then add new, remove it from Library search path (building settings – > Search paths)
(3) bundle version / string, short in -info.plist needs to be the new one (1.1 instead of 1)
(4) add build phase -> link binary with libraries : storekit.framework Coretelephony… AVfoundation….
(5) change loadURL () in game.js and strings
(6) TO add icon files, drag and drop then go to .info file and add the file names
<key>CFBundleIconFiles</key> <array> <string>icon@2x.png</string> <string>icon.png</string> <string>Icon-Small.png</string> <string>Icon-Small@2x.png</string>
(7) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15790067/a-valid-provisioning-profile-for-this-executable-was-not-found-only-on-iphone-5